B-Circadin is extracted from Lespedeza capitata and harvested in South Korea where it is used
for its medicinal properties. It enhances the circadian rhythm resynchronization strongly deregulated by various stressors including blue light exposure.
B-Circadin preserves the skin by:
• Resynchronizing the circadian rhythm
• Regulating rhythm-dependent biological functions such as aquaporin-3
• Improving rhythm-related Nrf2 detoxification pathway efficiency
• Controlling the oxidative stress induced by blue light > Cells are protected and are working properly thanks to the resynchronization of their natural rhythm.
- Resynchronizes the circadian rhythm, our well-being clock
- After one and four weeks: skin’s radiance is improved for volunteers working at night
- After four days: signs of fatigue induced by direct blue light exposure are controlled
- Skin’s internal clock, important for its well-being, is restored
In vitro
AMVIGOR ORGANICS PVT LTD, a healthcare company that provides effective and holistic solutions. Its mission is to strengthen customer’s product portfolio and bring new products into existence through strategic global partnerships, innovative solutions and seamless execution within the Cosmeceutical, Dermatology and Nutraceutical businesses…
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