Extracted from Kakadu Plum, the richest source of vitamin C (Super fruit)
Skin care
• Free radical scavenger due to high vitamin C and polyphenol contents
• Induces vitamin C transporter (SVCT-1) synthesis on skin cells
• Stimulates pro-collagen I and hyaluronic acid synthesis
Hair care
• Decreases hair fiber damages Provides antioxidant capacity
• Inhibits carbonylation and oxidation of hair proteins
• Reduces cuticle permeability & damage
Skin care
• Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
• Fights and protects the skin against oxidative stress
• Boosts skin radiance and luminosity
• Improves skin tone evenness with an overall brightening effect
Hair care
• Protects hair against UV damage
• Preserves hair structure & composition
AMVIGOR ORGANICS PVT LTD, a healthcare company that provides effective and holistic solutions. Its mission is to strengthen customer’s product portfolio and bring new products into existence through strategic global partnerships, innovative solutions and seamless execution within the Cosmeceutical, Dermatology and Nutraceutical businesses…
Junction of Mulund Link road and LBS Marg, Mulund (West),
Mumbai – 400080.